Best Birthday spent the Masai way ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ—ฟ


Some beers, company, and the best safari in the world. Not a bad way to spend my birthday (even if I did keep falling asleep, with people waking me every time they saw a wilderbeast ๐Ÿ˜‚)

This was the wilderbeast migration crossing the sand river. It was crazy to be so close to such an amazing gathering of animals!    

This was by far the BEST part of the weekend for me! No photos could do justice to how the rooms and staff were the entire time we were there. I spent my birthday night drinking and star gazing, after a truly Kenyan birthday cake and song which lasted well over 5 minutes.  


The Masai warriors welcoming us into the lodge! It’s tradition for them to each kill a lion before becoming part of the tribe, they then see who can jump the highest to get the most wives . They no longer kill lions now by the way, that would be cruel ๐Ÿ˜…


After a full day on safari, we were greeted by all of the staff for sunset cocktails, and then led to a private campfire where the Warriors welcomed the guys into a dance and jumping contest (which I didn’t win), and was served BBQ food to finish off the perfect day ๐ŸŒŒ

The kids of Lenetteย 


As part of our programme we work with two euntreprenuers in Lenette. This is our favourite place to go because of these cuties! They always follow us around saying “how are you”! Literally the sweetest kids you could meet. They don’t need iPads and smart phones to keep them happy. They run around with a stick and a tyre and love life!


This is little Frank and Jackson in their first ever selfie ๐Ÿ˜Ž Giving it some serious work! 

Lake Victoria ๐ŸŒ…

What a way to spend a sunrise. We came to the most rural parts of Kenya to see this beautiful island and how the people live. The boat ride there was just stunning with some amazing scenery.


This is Steffani. A fourteen year old girl who came to the lake to do washing before going to Sunday school. She took us to a place where we could get fresh mendazis which tasted so good.

Such an amazing experience to see how people live in the most remote parts of the world. It makes me wonder how they can sustain themselves on a day to day basis, but they do it well and are so happy. It’s not only touching but inspiring.

Adapting our approachย 


ADAPT (A different attitude towards Parkinson’s treatment) have played a huge part in allowing me to help develop and grow small business, and aid in different euntraprenurial mindsets. 


Our focus is not just on the business, but the person behind the business. We develop not only professional but personal relationships with all our entrepreneurs and it is such an exciting experience to enrich their ways of thinking outside the box, and expand or even start a business! 

Fruitful Businesses ๐Ÿ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿ‡


The people of Kenya thrive from business. Not every business needs hi-tech, costly start ups. Here, some fruit, a blender, a stall and some enthusiasm is all that is needed to get customers happy and keep them that way.


Mama Helens is a perfect example of some good food and great company. For only 100ksh (about 75p), you get a plate full, leaving full of food, love and a lot of lentils! 

Here we are enjoying pineapple and mango smoothies for around 25p 

Hell’s Gate Heaven ๐Ÿ—ป


This scenery inspired the set of the Lion King and you can 100% see why! 

We rode bikes around the national park before hiking the gourge; a long way from home. 

I don’t think I’ve ever seen views quite so amazing and these pictures simply do not do it justice.

Lola bonding with this cutie! The community in Kenya is truly inspiring and I managed to buy so many souvenires for my family and friends off this ones mother. 


Squad game strong! Amazing friends, amazing views, amazing times #TIA 

Teaching day

First day pressures paid off! After a weeks training I was able to put the theory into practice and deliver sound, practical, business techniques using the BMC (business model canvas). 

Our entrepreneurs were so great! Really receptive and constantly engaged. They came up with so many ideas we could use in practice and I’m really looking forward to working with them to further develop their business ideas. 

Massive thanks to Sheffield Hallam Students Union for giving me the chance to explore these opportunities and develop my skills in such a hands on enviornment! 

Menengaie crater ๐ŸŒ‹

What a way to spend our last Sunday before the real work begins! We’ve had a hard week graft doing some intensive business training, and for only 600KSH I experienced the greatest view I have ever seen. 

The menengaie crater was a collapsed mountain that turned into a volcano, exploded and left one of natures greatest scenes. 

The whole gang braved these heights and trekked down some STEEP hills, but the views were out of this world. 

Kindness and Culture shocksย 

To say it has been a challenge to adapt to the culture difference is an understatement! I’ve experienced emotions I never thought possible, thinking it wouldn’t effect me the way it has, but, how wrong was I. 

The people of Kenya are kind, generous and very accepting. It is making me appreciate the west so much more than I did, and I now know that not getting wifi isn’t the biggest problem in the world! 

Imani Guest Houseย 

After meeting Rosa and Sarah and a very long travel seeing some awesome scenery we finally made it to our location! 

This is were we will be staying for a weeks intensive training on business in Kenya before heading out into our family host homes. 

The staff are super friendly and cook some good food! Although I’m not sure about the sweet potatoes for breakfast?